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Jingle Your Balls 2 Hunt

I completed yet another mini hunt from Grumble and the prizes are just in time for your last minute Christmas decorations. A straight forward hunt with 20 balls on the 2 sims. Well, not exactly, the last one is on a third sim, but its very easy. Let's take a look at some of the prizes!

Everything you see here are prizes from the hunt exclude the fire itself. There are lots of log and fire available cheaply or even free from the market place. My outfit is from the prizes as well. This is probably my third or fourth Santarina outfit and I still had not gotten tired of it!

A nice coffee table and chair (or chairs since its copyable) comes as part of the hunt as well as the nice barrel of red flowers behind at 2 prims only. Kitty is dress in casual ladies wears from the hunt too. There are quite a few sets of outfit for guys as well, but Kitty doesn't want to wear any of them :(

Last but not least, there are a good mix even for shopping in the cold winter with gloves and warm sweaters. Kitty is not going to catch a cold easily! (Sad to say, I got a slight flu in RL and had just recovered. Thanks for all the care and concern and the blog is going to be up and running with more articles soon now that I am well again. Meow!)

Start your hunt at:

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Elotte Bridger was borned in 2L on Christmas Day in 25th December 2009.