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LR Da Dao

The name Da Dao came from its Chinese words meaning Big Knife. However, if put into context as a Japanese name, it would be Dai Katana or Big Sword. Well, anyway, not to be confused with a ill fated FPS shooter game in the early 90s. This sword is likely more related to the Chinese imperial weapon and it comes in a pair with the shield, optionally equipped, but is definitely a powerful combo of attack and defense with both enable (and supported by sim).

Do not be mistake by the graceful sword dance by Kitty! The Da Dao has a power 35/40% damage which has to be respected in combat. The compile MONO scripts combined with Hyperdraw give you the fastest possible time to draw and immediately strike.

Here is a close up of the Da Dao and Shield. But just for looking, no touching. Kitty know how good the strong wooden shield and heavy metal feels. But she is serious about no touching. Unless you do not mind losing some fingers.

It is also no surprise that this is the chosen weapon for the We Love RolePlay event of Oct 2015. Kitty would love to show you the stances and sound it comes with but those are far beyond what a picture can tell. It can even show blood on blade after it has taken its victim. Better bring a large scarf to wipe that clean.

When sheathed, the shield goes nicely on your back and the sword on the side, just like a Katana. The sight of the Da Dao should be enough to scare away more enemies except than the bosses.

Happy chopping with the Da Dao which can be purchase at the We Love Roleplay event:

P.S. If you miss this post by a long period, it is likely Da Dao could be purchase from LR Main Store too:

But no promises... :)

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Elotte Bridger was borned in 2L on Christmas Day in 25th December 2009.